CRA - Cambodia Recruitment Agency
CRA stands for Cambodia Recruitment Agency
Here you will find, what does CRA stand for in Human Resources under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Cambodia Recruitment Agency? Cambodia Recruitment Agency can be abbreviated as CRA What does CRA stand for? CRA stands for Cambodia Recruitment Agency. What does Cambodia Recruitment Agency mean?The Human Resources company falls under human resources category and is located in Phnum Penh, Phnom Penh.
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Alternative definitions of CRA
- Community Reinvestment Act
- Community Reinvestment Act
- Clinical Research Associate
- Clinical Research Associate
- Community Redevelopment Agency
- Credit Reporting Agency
- P E Corporation
- Corrosion Resistant Alloy
View 177 other definitions of CRA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- CFEA Classical Five Element Acupuncture
- CSC Cibola Systems Corporation
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- CBML Caw Boom Mechelen Lier
- CDAMD Colorado Department of Agriculture Markets Division
- CPS Catalyst Property Solutions
- C1S Cama 1 Spa
- COH Core Out of Home
- CDL Claygate Distribution Limited
- CWC Cancer Wellness Center
- CEPC Cairo Electricity Production Company
- CRS Comprehensive Retirement Solutions
- CSSC Central Steel Supply Company
- CIA Code Internet Applications
- CMD Creative Media Design
- CCDL Cloud Cover Distribution Limited
- CRII CR Intrinsic Investors
- CFP Channel Fish Processing
- CBEPL CB Enterprises Pty Ltd